
Welcome to the Family!

Teacher: Teacher Ophelius

Today, dear friends, we would like to introduce you to your own guidance teams. Nearly all of you reading this message are awakening and have stepped onto the spiritual path. Therefore have you been afforded certain spiritual resources that include Destiny Guardians, for some, and others, Guardian Angels that have been assigned smaller more personally managed groups of individuals. As you mature in personality and in spiritual growth, more of these spiritual resources are assigned to you to help manage your growth so that you may maximize the limited time you have on Urantia—a truly unique sphere in the universe where many great souls are being shaped and forged to go on and become valuable assets in the Father’s Great Plan of universe management.

You may rarely think about such things, but the Father does and has a plan for every living soul he Indwells with His Spirit. Your experiences and decisions, here and now, are valuable to this Great Plan equation and to the emergence of the Supreme Being. Many of you come to this planet with “complexities” and diverse soul compositions that intertwine your destinies with other ascendant souls. Soul families are a reality and there are a myriad of nested groups that contribute to the equation of the Great Plan. You, my dear friends, have many interested parties looking to assist you in your life plan, yet because of the sovereignty of free will, they must wait until you are ready to reach out and discover your own souls.

For those who are ready to begin the expansion of their souls, I ask that you introduce yourself to your guidance teams and begin this very intimate and personal journey to consciously contribute to the Great Plan and to your own development as ascending souls—Finaliters. How do you begin? You begin at the Center of a great circle. There you have your Spiritual Operator—the Indwelling Presence of the Universal Father—the Thought Adjuster. Please, if you have not already done so, say hello and consummate this most intimate relationship you have with the Creator. You might say something like:

“My Beloved Indwelling, I AM ready to expand my soul and work co-creatively with you in all things, and I open my heart and mind to your loving guidance here and hereafter.”

Some of you may have a powerful emotional experience when you sincerely consecrate this divine relationship. This very decision to “make real” in your heart and mind this partnership with the Divine sets in motion the administrative energies and councils needed to provide an ascending soul all the inherent rights and support it needs to move into active participation in the Great Plan. Until this time, many of you sleep and we wait patiently for your initiation. If today is that day, congratulations and welcome to the Family!

Next, you shall greet your Guardian Angels (you have two). These are the most beautiful and loving creatures that could ever be assigned to the watch-care of your soul. They love you and have great affection for you—they are beaming with light and love with the anticipation that you shall begin a relationship with them so they may assist you in greater matters of your character development. You may give them an affectionate name and converse freely with them—they delight in your conscious participation.

“My Guadian Angels, I shall call you “_________________” and I desire to have an intimate relationship with you—I AM open to your guidance in matters of my personality development, self-mastery, and maturity of character.”

There are many tools you can use to get feedback from your guardians if you desire such contact. Ask your Angels to guide you to one or more of these resources.

In the Circle of your guidance team may be a personal teacher; other members of your soul family; and any needed specialist. They all are ready to go to work for you to assist you in your growth and development and with any project that serves the greater good. They can all be reached by asking your Thought Adjuster (TA) to connect you with the needed resource.

“My Beloved Indwelling; my guidance team, please assist me in _______________.”

Be generous in your imaginations when asking for help and listen to the heart for guidance on how to ask—very important. Qualify your requests for assistance in accordance with the Will of the Universal Father.

Overlooking all these resources and guidance teams are your Divine Parents, Christ Michael and Mother Spirit, who always have an open ear to your concerns. Begin using these resources, my friends, and your life shall become one astonishing chain of miracles. Don’t wait to come to the mansion worlds to learn this—learn now and maximize your experiences here on Urantia!

Peace to you,

The Circle of Seven

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