Eve of Celebration

Location: Michigan, USA
Date: 24 Dec 2008
Teacher: Teacher Ophelius
Receiver: Chris Maurus

We are ready to begin dear one. Good morning to you on the eve of this most blessed celebration of the birth of the Lord Jesus the Christ unto this little backward, rebellious planet on the far edge of the universe of Nebadon. How blessed you are on Urantia to be chosen for the final bestowal of Michael of Nebadon, the Creator Son. How we all rejoice at this time and celebrate with you here on the mansion worlds. For the angels say, “peace on earth and good will toward all men,” Yes, this is the goal for all of us here, for to bring Urantia into the era of Light and Life where men will be brothers and learn war no more.

We look forward to the day when the gates of hell will be locked and needed no more, for that time will come when all men will know the one true God and life on Urantia will be as is life on the lower mansion worlds. You are just behind the door to this new era of peace and love and light. It is you dear one who are on the front lines of this final battle to rid the world of the remnants of the rebellion and to execute the plans of Christ Michael’s Correcting Time as is all of us on this side of the veil. God speed to you on the earth in all your blessed efforts, for we pledge our help and protection to the workers of light who have the divine vision and answer the call of the Universal Father, “Be ye perfect, even as I am perfect.”

Source: /transcript/eve-of-celebration